Partner With
Mission Cascadia
At Mission Cascadia we believe that planting churches is the best method for witnessing to the kingdom of God and making disciples of Jesus in the Northwest. We hope you will consider joining us on mission in Cascadia.
New churches are generally formed in two ways:
An existing church plants a daughter church.
A church planter (ordained clergy or one seeking ordination) recruits and trains a core group of people to launch a new worshiping community of people on mission together.
Whichever method that is used to plant new churches all potential planters must engage with the 5 step process listed below. As you go through the process you will be in contact with Canon for Church Planting and he will help connect you with other clergy and planters so that you can build relationships in your area and throughout the Diocese.
The Process
Initial Contact with Mission Cascadia
The Canon for Church planting will get to know the candidate to hear their story including the reasons they are discerning a call to plant an Anglican church in the Northwest.
Church Planter Evaluation
The potential planter will engage in an online process of learning and evaluation through Always Forward, the church planting planting initiative of the Anglican Church in North America. This will involve some training and the online Lifeway Church Planter Evaluation. A marriage and psychological evaluation may be required at this point.
Connection with Diocesan Bishop
The planter will connect with the Bishop of the Diocese of Cascadia. This initial connection will lead to more specific conversation about location of a potential plant and possible resources.
Formal Assessment
If the applicant successfully navigates Steps 1-3, the planter will be invited to participate in an in-person assessment and training with Always Forward, the Church Planting Initiative of the Anglican Church in North America. If the applicant is married, his or her spouse will also be required to participate in the interview process. Mission Cascadia will underwrite most of these costs.
Diocese Feedback and Reporting
The Canon for Church Planting will complete a final report. The report will include a recommendation as to the applicant’s planting readiness and recommended next steps.
After final approval we will begin the process of prayer and planning will begin that will lead to a strategic launch in the months that follow.
If you are interested in engaging this process and planting a church with Mission Cascadia? Contact The Rev. Cn. Ryan Brotherton, Mission Cascadia Director and Canon for Church Planting in the Diocese of Cascadia.
Make a donation.
“It is about a shared life that reflects the gospel into which other people are welcomed…church planting puts the Christian community at the heart of mission… and mission at the heart of the Christian community.”
- Tim Chester
Partner with Mission Cascadia by giving a financial gift, the entirety of your donation will go directly to help establish church plants across Oregon, Washington, and Alaska.
Interested in planting a church?
Whether you’re praying about planting a church or desire to see an Anglican church in your city, we would love to talk with you.